Church News
Church Life Committee Events
The committee has been busy at work planning for the church to be involved at he Vestal Front Street Days on June 3rd. We will be handing out bottles of water with our church name and address on them, as well as plastic bags with a Christian logo, pamphlets about the church, flower seed packets labeled with a Christian quote about growing, stickers, and Christian Ed is supplying M&M’s for the children. The committee thought it would be a great idea to have church tshirts made to advertise the church. The front of the t-shirt will have a picture of a heart and underneath it the words “I Love My Church.” On the back of the t-shirt it will give church information. Would you like to tell people about Memorial Park without ever saying a word? Have we got an idea for you! Why not buy a church T-shirt and wear it around town? Sign up sheet is on the back table in the sanctuary. Cost will be $9.50 for size S-XL, $11.50 for 2X and $13.50 for 3X. Place your payment, clearly marked, in the offering plate with your t-shirt size.